Currently Browsing: History

The Blue One

The Blue One Having nearly destroyed a second ride on mower in the garden by doing a little more than mowing, we decided the time had come to purchase something a little more substantial.  This not least because we have about 50 or so conifer stumps to dig out, having decided with our neighbour that the western red cedars on our boundary were becoming too tall.  We have decided to replace with a hedge of Beris, which in time should give a beautiful spring display of orange flowers all along the boundary.  But to pull stumps!  We could opt to hire a JCB again but the idea of spending all that money on...

JCB Shape Shifting

JCB Shape Shifting From 1991 to 2001, work on the garden was limited to planting trees on the field and otherwise undertaking landscaping around the house. There were considerable problems with the house that needed our attention, so little work could be undertaken in the garden.  However, because of the needs of the house, we were able to construct the patio and decking on the inner side of the house as well as lay our landscaping railway sleepers around the front.  This was a time when railway sleepers were available at a very low cost if you we not too choosy over the quality of these second-hand...


Beginnings This is the story of a garden. In February 1991 the family Simmons moved from temporary accommodation into their newly acquired house some 4 miles north of Carmarthen. A month after moving in, our second son was born, making our family of six children complete. Gardening was not high on our list of priorities.  The house sat like an island in a sea of grass.  We had grass out the front, grass round the back alongside a small patio, grass across the drive, otherwise known as the lawn and a further 2 acre field that was covered in meadow. Or grass. We had a hover mover.  It was an electric...

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Woodpecker return Posted by author icon Mike Simmons May 10th, 2014 | no responses
White Lady Posted by author icon Mike Simmons Mar 7th, 2013 | no responses
English Rose Posted by author icon Mike Simmons Jun 12th, 2012 | no responses

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Relaying Steps Posted by author icon Mike Simmons Sep 9th, 2011 | no responses
Glorious May Posted by author icon Mike Simmons Jun 2nd, 2012 | no responses
The Avenue Posted by author icon Mike Simmons Sep 1st, 2011 | no responses

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Rose Posted by author icon Mike Simmons
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Perennial beds in th... Posted by author icon Mike Simmons
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Man at Work Posted by author icon Mike Simmons
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